Need some storage for your garage? Left overs from a Caninet shop.
Great deal for the budget conscious car guy.
Choose from base (lower) and wall cabinets left over from previous large scale projects
that would be great in a garage or workshop. Many sizes and configurations
can be built from what are available. Some that are suitable for race car trailers
with limited space. First come first served as supplies last.
that would be great in a garage or workshop. Many sizes and configurations
can be built from what are available. Some that are suitable for race car trailers
with limited space. First come first served as supplies last.
There seems to be a good selection at this time including doors.
All basic "orphaned" wall or base cabinets $40 each!
For $20 more you can have doors to match if they have them in stock also.
Again first come first served. This is a really inexpensive way to add
some good storage and work surfaces to your shop, trailer, basement or
All basic "orphaned" wall or base cabinets $40 each!
For $20 more you can have doors to match if they have them in stock also.
Again first come first served. This is a really inexpensive way to add
some good storage and work surfaces to your shop, trailer, basement or
Contact Pierre at Stoney Creek Cabinet Co. Located in Coquitlam near United Blvd.
604 808 7425

604 808 7425

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