I have driven past this house for 20 years and noticed the 1966 Satelite behind the R.V. Many years ago there was another 66 Satelite 2 streets over that I tried to buy. After making an offer I was told to call back the next day. Well I called back and after a short conversation was told the car was not for sale! I guess my offer was to low as the car dissapeared a few days later.
This Satelite was bought new by the current owner. 318, buckets and console. Unfortunatley the B.C weather has not been good to the old Mopar. Like to see it back on the road one day.

The owner also has this nice 1967 Fairlane 390 GT that he has had for 18 years.

Here is another enthusiast with a few toys.
Gorgeous 51 Ford

Mint T-bird and on top of the hoist is a Maserati / Lebaron? Who knew.

This street rod is stunning. Mustang SVT running gear should put a smile on your face.
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